Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Jack Bauer with School and a wall pc

So since I had recently broken my self promise to cut the amount of TV I watch I decided to tune in on Sunday and Monday for the the 2 day/2 hour season premiere of 24. All I have to say is that Jack Bauer rocks and Chloe is amazing. This is by far my favorite show and I can't get enough of it.

I start school today and I am actually pretty excited about it. I will be taking 2 technical classes that will deal with programming in Java and C++. I hope work doesn't get too busy so I can concentrate fully on these courses.

Other than that, work it going pretty good. Today I established a policy for email size restrictions because our users had huge email accounts. I know a lot of people don't like it but it will make our environment stay at peak performance as well as keep us more organized.

That's it for today, i'll try to get on here tomorrow and write how school went. Laters.

Here are some cool links:
Things Jack Bauer needs in a Cell Phone
-this one is great, where can I get his phone.
A PC you can install in your Wall
-I think this is awesome, one day a computer will be more like a power jack. In the case of a business you can install these in offices and cubicles and avoid having a desktop increasing space.
Build a World with your Internet Traffic
-this is kinda g33ky but I am going to try it out as it seems very interesting to me.
Breast-boosting beer
-this is awesome, not only will they get bigger, we'll spend less since we won't have to buy those expensive girly drinks. "beer is the nectar of the gods" /agreed

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